Meet Our Alumni

Why do you choose to send your children to St. Stephen Lutheran School?
We choose to send our children to St. Stephen Lutheran School because we went there! I first noticed Sami when I was in 3rd grade, and she was in 1st grade and I thought she was cute. Now we’re married with kids of our own, so of course we wanted to send them here. We want them to learn and grow in their faith in God, while also having fun and receiving a proper education. Keeping out the noise and distractions of current secular culture is also important to us. Although the tuition is not free, when you’re talking about the education and souls of your children — it’s worth it!
What do you think is the best thing about St. Stephen Lutheran School?
The leadership. I remember Pastor Seehafer leading the entire school and then some on a march from the old church over to the new church after it had been built and that was awesome! He is one of the finest pastors you could have. We trust the Board and we trust the principal and staff to take care of our kids and teach them about Christianity and traditional/family values, while offering a top-notch education.

Why do you choose to send your children to St. Stephen Lutheran School?
I attended St. Stephen as a child and feel that the education I received was a great Christian foundation. I am happy to be able to send my children here to learn about Christ and His love for us and to receive a Christian education.
What do you think is the best thing about St. Stephen Lutheran School?
I love St. Stephen because my children excel in their academics and spiritual development. There are always great ways for them to connect with God and grow in their faith, while growing friendships and learning leadership and responsibility. They respect others. They are also introduced to athletics and continue to develop and enhance their athletic abilities. I also love the after-school clubs that are offered: God’s Kids Club, Kids for Christ, Art Club, and Lego/Stem Club.

Why do you choose to send your children to St. Stephen Lutheran School?
Not only did I attend as a child, but so many of my extended family attended as well. Both of my parents are involved in the church, especially my dad, which was another factor. I love when I walk my son down the hall to his class and we pass by several of his cousins. The Christ-centered foundation is important to my family and we feel like our children really get a solid Christian education.
What do you think is the best thing about St. Stephen Lutheran School?
I love the Christ-centered education and the smaller class sizes so that my kids can get a more 1:1 education. I love that my son comes home from school singing new hymns and is excited to tell us and others that he learns about Jesus at school.

Why do you choose to send your child to St. Stephen Lutheran School?
My name is Ian and I attended St. Stephen school from preschool through 8th grade. There are several reasons that I currently send my daughter there. The primary reason is because they teach about Jesus. Life puts in front of each of us many difficulties, struggles, and sadness. In Matthew 7, Jesus speaks about the wise builder who builds on the solid foundation. The Christian education that St. Stephen provides is that solid foundation. As my daughter grows up and the storms inevitably come, I want her to have that solid foundation only provided in the teachings of Jesus. Openly speaking and teaching about Jesus is the main reason I send my child there. However, it is not the only reason. The family-like atmosphere is great. There have been several people including teachers, pastors, staff, and other parents who have gone above and beyond to be helpful and encouraging. Other great things about St. Stephen include the large campus that allows them to host events for the community and the childcare which is in the same building as the school.
What do you think is the best thing about St. Stephen Lutheran School?
As I look back on my life, I can honestly say that attending St. Stephen was one of the biggest blessings I have ever had, and I am confident that many years from now my daughter will feel the same way.